All posts in InvenTeam
The Tigers and Tree are Here!!!
The 3D-printed tigers and pieces of the tree for the Main Street Project just arrived! Everyone is taking special care to keep them clean and protect them from harm. -AL
Inspiration Boards
In preparation for the touchscreen that will go along with the Main Street Project, major two students made inspiration boards. They did research on grid, color theory, and well designed […]
Teaming Up!
In December of 2019 Mrs. Brooks had design students brainstorm questions about the Main Street Project. We inquired about everything, the tigers, the tree, and even the display case. We […]
First Braindump
We have been studying ways to improve our learning and problem solving through a process of asking questions. To do this, we read an article that detailed some of the […]
Feisworld Visits Design Majors 2 and 3
Recently, Fei Wu and her partner Adam Leffert visited the Major 2 and 3 classes to talk about their work and experiences in the design field. They also showed us […]
Alumni Visit
Months ago, alumni Bradley Trepanier and Liran Federmann visited the Majors 2 and 3 classes to give us a glimpse of what majoring in Design looks like in college. Bradley […]
Karen Fan and Felege Gebru: a journey from Newton North High School to the White House
“So proud of what you’ve accomplished! Mrs. Brooks, this podcast episode is dedicated to you. Thank you for being such an inspiration to all of us!”– Fei Wu As a […]
White House Science Fair 2014
Being at the White House and heard by all these brilliant people really gave me faith our invention could go out to the real world. I think this type of […]
Cambridge Science Festival
Final photo courtesy of Steve Lipofsky (Cambridge Science Festival). On the Saturday before April break, our team was given the opportunity to represent the Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam program at the Cambridge […]