All posts in Main Street

Presentation to Dr. Turner

Dr. Turner recently visited the design team for an update on the Main Street Project. They gave him a presentation, which included an overview of the research done by current […]

Touchscreen Progress

The designers had a meeting and shared their concepts for the touchscreen. Using each other’s feedback they refined their ideas. As a team the students were able to make great […]

Concept Sketches

After finishing their inspiration boards, the major two students moved on to making thumbnail sketches of touchscreen concepts. They included ideas for a homepage and for how the website architecture […]

Inspiration Boards

In preparation for the touchscreen that will go along with the Main Street Project, major two students made inspiration boards. They did research on grid, color theory, and well designed […]

A New Beginning

As the new school year starts, majors 1, 2 and 3 have begun familiarizing themselves with the Main Street Project. Current students have gone over what designers from previous years […]

Tiger 1 With Patterns

The patterns for tiger 1 are finally completed! Emily has printed, cut, and taped them temporarily onto the 3D model. They look great! – ED

Outdoor Sanding

Michelle, Coral, and Ella are continuing to sand the tiger and tree parts outdoors. Some other curious North students are even helping out with the process! -ED

New Mural Photos

With a new school year comes new mural photos! After students carefully and methodically chose and edited the best pictures for the mural, Coral replaced the old mural photos with […]

Sanding the Tigers at Home

Now that the 3D tigers have been printed, students have been sanding them at home in their garages in order to get them as smooth and shiny as possible! Whenever […]

Getting It Done

Despite the challenges we have faced due to the coronavirus, we are making great progress on the Main Street project! Students have been working on creating shapes for the tigers, […]