The Design program is back at it! The summer rust has been shaken off, and the wheels of ingenuity are turning. We are ready to take on the school year of 2016-17.
Major 2:
After putting the finishing touches to their previous year projects, Major 2 has begun the branding unit and projects. They’ve studied the most important factors of branding and successful logos, and everyone has chosen a Newbury Street store company to base their branding project off of. From there, they will learn about the beginnings, background, development, and design of the company’s logo. After presenting the information that they’ve gathered, Major 2 and 3 took a field trip to Newbury Street to experience the companies’ products and branding first-hand. They will soon be working with Newton Public Schools for an extensive branding project for its system. As branding is a huge part of design and its’ industrial connection, they will be on this for a while!
Major 3:
After coming back from the summer, Major 3 (or Major III, as they like to go by) is definitely back at it! They’ve jumped right into their innovation project, but in ways they didn’t expect. For most of September, they’ve been creating a process that they will use to guide them through the development of their project. This process will allow them to ask questions and seek out answers in the most efficient way. The questions they ask will guide their research, which will in turn guide the next set of questions that they ask. A round of research will follow each round of questioning until the team is satisfied. And finally, Major III will begin to create their second process for materials and prototyping.
Along with the development of this special process, Major III has watched the video Objectified, which explained to them about what “good design” entails. They will use what they’ve learned from the film to help them as their project progresses.
Lastly, they can’t wait for their upcoming field trips! One to accompany Major 2 to Newbury Street in mid October, and another to LEGOLAND in Somerville!