Apprenticeship at Orchard Gardens: WOW Week

On Thursday, May 14th, we made our final trip to Orchard Gardens to participate in the WOW- a presentation of all our hard work. Here are student’s reactions to the entire experience:

This experience has left me with a great sense of fulfillment. It was so special to watch the kids learn and grow – I am so proud of them.

This program really proved to me that I can be patient with others, and I can make a difference in someone’s life.

This entire program was a great learning experience. It was fun working with the kids and seeing how they learned.

I’ve learned a lot the past few months and this experience was unlike the other things I’ve done. It’s been fun and I hope I get to do something like this again.

I had a ton of fun working with the students in this apprenticeship. Not only did we see the kids grow, but we grew as a team as well. I’m definitely going to miss Orchard Gardens!

When I started this apprenticeship I did not understand the magnitude of what I would learn. I found this a really valuable journey, and I want to do something like this again.

This program has been an opportunity of a lifetime. I realized that we and the kids have become one family. I’ve learned so much that I will hold on to for years to come.

During this apprenticeship, not only did we teach the students, but the students also taught us. I never thought I would learn so much through this program, and it has definitely changed me for the better.

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