Happy New Year from Seeds to STEM

Our trip to Citizen Schools is fast approaching, and team members are becoming more and more excited.

We have new additions to the team, Victoria, Olivia and Lizzie. They are getting caught up with the curriculum and providing a support system for the teachers and students. They are also taking and editing pictures and blogging the progress of the team.

On the first week back, the team worked on a model road to use to test the Arduino structures. The team rescaled and redesigned our larger model road in order to make it portable. This is the road we will bring to Citizen Schools and it is looking very nice.

Once we finish with the road, each teacher-student pair will test out the systems they built. As we did last year, we will use the results of these tests to determine what in the instructions are working and what is not.

The four lead teachers, Isabella, Liran, Bradley and Alex, will go to the Citizen Schools headquarters in Boston on February 2nd.  While there, they will be trained to be Citizen Schools teachers.

On February 10th, the whole team is going into Boston to convince the kids to take our apprenticeship. It should be easy for us to get all of them to be just as excited about our project as we are!


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