Field Trip

In the beginning of the year, the A-Team went on a field trip to Millis Used Auto Parts and the Museum of Fine Arts in order to learn more about scrap car parts and look at different types of art to incorporate in the design of the invention.

When we arrived at Millis Used Auto Parts, we were not allowed to take pictures in the scrap yard, but the owner was kind enough to give us a tour of the yard and the facility. He explained the process the used cars go through at the yard and what happens to the parts when they leave. Some parts get shipped to different countries all around the world.

Millis Used Auto Parts drains the antifreeze from the cars to resell, and reuses the oil from the cars to heat their building. The owner said that “nothing ever dies” at the scrap yard and we aim to adopt that philosophy while building our invention out of recycled parts.

We were all fascinated when he told us about the bugs that they purchase every week to clean the engines instead of using chemicals. They are placed in a large container with an engine that they are rebuilding for the market.

At the Museum of Fine Arts, the team looked at different exhibits, including the Africa and Oceania exhibit.  We were even lucky enough to find a piece of artwork that was made from car parts!


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